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What are my credentials for first time log in?

Default credential

To access your AanyaHR account follow these steps. You can log in through any of the following:

  • Web browser

Logging in using Web application

  1. Go to AanyaHR and you will be directed to our login page.

  2. The portal will ask for your credentials.

    • Client - based on the provided information of your company administrator (usually company name or abbreviation)

    • Username - based on the provided information of your company administrator

    • Password (case sensitive) - format must be Lastname@MMDDYY (the last 2-digit number of your year of birth). If your last name has space, then the password will also have space.

      • Example 1:

        Full name: Juan M. Dela Cruz
        Birthdate: January 02, 1989
        Password will be: Dela Cruz@010289

      • Example 2:

        Full name: Pedro N. San Juan JR.
        Birthdate: June 05, 1900
        Password will be: San Juan JR.@060500

      • Example 3:

        Full name: Tirso O. De Jesus III
        Birthdate: August 10, 1999
        Password will be: De Jesus III@081099

  1. Click "Sign in" button.

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