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Employee Category - Category Tab

Category Tab Functionality

Employee Category - used to categorize employee access based on their holiday, platform, any filings, and OT/Non-OT earnings.

Category Tab

Name - Name of Category you want to create (Eg: Rank and File, Supervisor, Executive)

Description - Additional information to support the employee category name

Status - To set if your created employee category is Active or Inactive

Category Settings

You can set groupings of employee category if most of users have the same Employee Category access (To set a default settings to group of employees)

Timekeeping - To set your default created Timekeeping Category

Payroll Category - To set your default created Payroll Category

Access Control - To set your default created Access Control

Holiday - To set up what Holiday they follow

Platform - Mode of clock in/out allowed to use (Web, Biometric, Mobile)

Web - Allowed to clock in and out on Web browser (Clock icon will not be available on Mobile web browser)

Biometrics - Allowed to clock in and out on Biometrics only, the icon of clock in and out on Web or Mobile can't be accessible on Employee's portal

Mobile - Allowed to clock in and out on Mobile Application of AanyaHR v2. Other platform will not be visible and available on the employee.

Note: This is a multi-select dropdown

Tour - To set self onboarding tour. The tour will be activated for first time log in only. (Basic User, Supervisor, Admin)

Mobile Settings

If No, no access on Mobile App

If Yes, you can modify the access modules


If No, there will be no restriction. Meaning, the employee can clock in/out anywhere

If Yes, restriction is enabled base on the Longitude and Latitude added on the Branch. Meaning, users who are under those branch and tagged with this employee category will have this access

Offline Logs

If No, clock in/out without internet is disabled

If Yes, users can clock in/out even without internet. Meaning, when they're already connected with the internet, their logs will reflect base on when they clock in/out


If No, dashboard on mobile is disabled

If Yes, user can access dashboard on mobile


If No, filing module is disabled. Meaning, the user cannot do any filing requisition using mobile app

If Yes, user can access to file any requisition


If No, viewing of Payslip is disabled

If Yes, user can access to view/download payslip using mobile app


If No, approval module is disabled. Most cases, to all Rank and File/Basic users

If Yes, user can able to approve/decline any requisition of employees using mobile app

You may proceed with the Filings, Leave and Approval Tab

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