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Payroll Annualization

Payroll Annualization processing

Payroll annualization is the process of calculating an employee's annual income, including their regular salary and any additional earnings or deductions, to determine their annual taxable income. In the Philippines, this practice is crucial for both employees and employers, as it affects income tax calculations, benefits, and compliance with tax regulations.

Why Payroll Annualization Matters?

Income Tax Computation: The Philippine tax system operates on progressive tax rates. Employees pay different tax rates depending on their annual income. Annualization ensures that employees are taxed accurately based on their yearly earnings, preventing over or underpayment of taxes.

Benefits Calculation: Various employee benefits, such as 13th-month pay, are calculated based on an employee's annual income. Proper annualization helps in accurately determining these benefits, ensuring that employees receive what they are entitled to.

Legal Compliance: Accurate payroll annualization is vital for compliance with Philippine tax laws and regulations. Non-compliance can lead to legal issues and penalties for both employers and employees.

How to process Payroll Annualization in AanyaHR?

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